eMatrix, South Miami, FL

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eMatrix and Elos Plus

The eMatrix skin resurfacing treatment uses radiofrequency to promote collagen production thereby treating wrinkles, laxity and acne scars with minimal downtime

This system offers a safe and effective solution to treat mild wrinkles, crepey skin and acne scars. The bipolar radiofrequency energy heats the deeper layers of the skin and stimulates collagen production over time. A typical treatment protocol includes 3-4 treatments, approximately 4-6 weeks apart. The total number of sessions depends on your skin’s condition. Treated skin appears pink with a sunburn appearance immediately after the treatment. Miniature microcrusts on the skin surface resolve within 5-7 days.

CONTACT US to book your consultation.


Post  Procedure Instructions

Wait twelve hours before washing the treated area

Use a gentle face wash and cool water. Avoid a washcloth or any exfoliating cleansers.

After cleansing, apply a mild moisturizer. We recommend Avene Cicalfate Post Procedure Skin Recovery Emulsion. You may apply the moisturized as needed throughout the day.

Do not use any products with anti-aging ingredients.

Apply sunblock during the day contatining zinc oxide and titanium dioxide.

Avoid direct sun exposure for one week post treatment.

You may apply mineral-based makeup twelve hours post treatment.

Sublative treatments will cause micro-crusts on the skin. Do not pick or scratch any crusts or flaking skin. These areas should heal three to five days post treatment.

Avoid thermall trauma such as hot showers, whirlpools, steam rooms, saunas, etc. for two days post treatment.

Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications for one week post treatment, as they may decrease the inflammatory reaction we want to occur. Ex: Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Exedrin, Nuprin, etc. or antihistamine medications.

If you have any questions regarding your progress, please contact our office.